Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, October 16, 2009

HD's first visit to Momma's school

Here HD is enjoying a nice nap while Momma and Daddy walk him around the campus on a Sunday afternoon!
HD slept most of the time. Hopefully that is not how he will act at school when he is older...But if he is anything like his Daddy, the teachers will wish he would sleep! hahaha

Here is Proud Daddy, having fun pushing HD in his Mercedes!

Now it's Momma's turn to practice pushing!! The red bag has a blanket inside in case we wanted to sit on the ground for a picinic...we did not use it, Daddy wanted to sit at the tables to eat, which was a good idea!

Here's Momma and Daddy...oops, Momma should have put on a little make-up, but oh well.

HD and his Momma!

HD and his Daddy!


  1. I knew David was a really smart little guy -- already going to school!!! You two look like naturals pushing that stroller!!! Thanks for posting new pics!!!
    love, Marmee

  2. Yep, he is super smart! hahaha Thanks, we like to practice before we go out, so we don't look like beginners! We Love you Marmeeeeeeeeee

  3. Great pictures! School is a good place for a visit, since many years of his life will take place in just such a place. Momma at 30 years of age is still in school, both as a student and a teacher. Lucky little boy to have such a luxury stroller. Love to all, Emmy
    PS. enjoy the phone visit this morning. Marmee's lost, my gain!!

  4. See our kid is not so brown...I mean with me as his mom, he really didn't have too much of a chance to be brown...and it's not like Hernan is dark either... So this is one Latin Baby that will need lots of sun screen, just like his cousin Walker! ha
