Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Afternoon snack

When Marmee, Pa Gator, and Momma went to pick up HD from daycare Wednesday afternoon, he was sitting at the table all by himself. Then Ms. Emelia said he was hungry so he found a chair, pulled it up to the table, and waited just like this with his hands folded until someone was able to bring him his snack. He was not the least bit excited to see us, he was just ready for his snack. After he ate a few Cheerios and some cheese, he was ready to be lifted into his stroller and taken to the car. He may have been just a little bit tired....or a lot tired!

A normal afternoon is HD running past Momma and Marmee straight to his Pa Gator!! And if for some reason Pa Gator is not there, he asks for him and then final settles to go with Momma and Marmee! Momma gathers his stuff as Marmee chases after his speedy get away out the open front door.


  1. HD, what a gentleman you are! When Walker is tired and hungry he reacts just a little bit differently...like a screaming wild banshee! We're working on it ;)

  2. So cute. Wish I could see him!

  3. He is so cute and so grown up! Wow!
